Tell Me Lies
Tell lies to me
I need them
To smother over the truth
Tell lies to me
I breathe them
To hide the damning proof
Feed lies to me
I guzzle them
To keep my conscience at bay
Spin lies to me
I spread them
To get me through the day
Whisper lies to me
As you pat my back
Telling me we’re in this together
Sing lies to me
And sing sweetly
I rage and choke at your tether
Speak lies to me,
Do it constantly
So I will not give heed
As you steal our common assets
For your usury and greed
Throw lies at me
To parrot
And strengthen your illusion
Demand lies from me
To belittle and attack
Those revealing our collusion
Spit lies at me
That close my eyes
When I look into another’s
Rub lies in them
It pains to see
The haunted eyes of children and mothers
Pour lies over me
Do it quickly
Block the anguish from my ears
Of the poverty and conflict sown
In your callous strategy of fears
Croon lies to me
Please do
I rely on your lying charms
As you sign another order
Supplying genocide and arms
Fire those lies at me
I can’t bear to see
The battlefields, death and starvation
Heap lies over me
I can’t bear the truth
You plunder and bankrupt our nation
Just deceitful greedy liars
Now jostle at the helm
Self-serving cheats and bullies
Our nightmare in their realm
Busy gobbling at the trough
To satisfy their greed
They have no care or conscience
To a world in direst need
Glutted with lying and deceiving
We no longer expect the truth
As they encourage us, to encourage them
To strip the lead
From our leaking roof